Lifecycle’s journey began with a simple idea: to make cycling safer and more sustainable on our beautiful island home of Jersey. Now, several months in, we’re thrilled to present some statistics which we think not only highlight the success of Lifecycle so far, but emphasise the significance of collective action in the pursuit of a healthier, more sustainable island - made possible by the support and enthusiasm of our keen cycling community.
Distance travelled: 84, 993km
Since February, the community has travelled an astounding 84,993.8 kilometres. This incredible achievement not only showcases the passion for cycling on our island but also highlights the environmental benefits of choosing two wheels over four.
Minutes active: 285, 444
Our initiative has contributed to 285,444 minutes of active living on Jersey. This time spent cycling has not only improved the physical health of our participants but also fostered a stronger sense of community as people share their cycling experiences.
Average speed: 17.9 km/h
We’ve been impressed by the remarkable average speed achieved by our cyclists, which stands at 17.9km/h. We like to think the effectiveness and added safety from the bike lights has contributed towards our cyclists feeling safe to pedal quickly even when it’s dark!
CO2 saved: 12,749 kg CO2e
Perhaps the most impactful statistic we are proud to share is the reduction in carbon emissions. Our initiative has saved a total of 12,749.07 kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions. By choosing to cycle and reduce their carbon footprint, our participants have contributed to a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for Jersey.
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our participants, supporters, and partners who have helped us make a resounding success so far. Together, we have illuminated the path to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable Jersey.
Looking ahead, our goal is to use the data trust to empower us to make Jersey's cycling infrastructure more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. The incredible success we've achieved so far is only the beginning of a brighter, greener future for our island.
If you haven't joined our cycling community yet, it's not too late to be a part of this inspiring journey. Grab your bike, install our smart bike lights, and let's keep pedalling towards a brighter, sustainable future for Jersey.